Hans, Thanks so much for the response. First, yes I would love to have a copy of the CD and the address is just fine except I am a he :-) My parents really done a job on me using two names that could be either male or female . . . :-))))) Am well aware of the Wannsee Protokoll and the stir it makes . . . Have you read the official interviews of George at the Nurmberg trials? Also [this history is on a DAI film in our archives] there are other data in the DAI collection on George. We have a guy here in this country who tends to try to revise history with his so-called research and a couple in Germany that has not researched all of this who have painted George to be worse that Hitler. I try to tell folks to wait to make their minds up until the whole story has been brought forth without a bunch of personal emotions involved by some of our so-called modern historians . . . . . Some have run with bits and pieces of George's history and painted him all bad . . . Are you in touch with any of the Leibbrandt folks down in Kansas and Nebraska . . .? They had a big reunion about 3 years ago, and I am sure I could dig up some addresses some where for you . . . Let me see what I can see in my old data . . . O.K. there is a Betty Van Boening that I have been in touch with for several years, and the last e-mail address I had with her is; steve.van@mci2000.com Then I have a note for a Bonnie Leibrand that I don't remember that much about, but here is what I have for her; leibrand@aztec.asu.edu (BONNIE M LEIBRAND) That looks like probably Arizona State University . . . then there is a Richard Renz who is tied into the family somehow; rrenz@tqci.net As for the DAI films in our national archives [copies can be purchased], one of the notes I have looks like this; T81 – 11 Contains lots of files dated 1935-39 with Dr Georg Leibbrandt involved in one form or another – special note from the front of the film is pointing to “Folder 6” If this is new for you and you are interested, I am sure I can find more notes about more films, and can identify the film number of the Nurmberg trials interviews of George if you care to give chase on that. I fully understand and appreciate what you say about Walter and making his work available. Too many people have done things to others because of family information being made available . . . . This is one reason at our organization in North Dakota [GRHS] we are allowing people to now make their information available only to the members of the organization, speaking on-line here . . . . and people are now developing a different perspective with their feelings of sharing materials that they have not been willing to share in an open forum with the world before . . . so perhaps with time and developing ways of doing things, Walter can agree to making his and his father's work more available . . . Have to go, and again, I so appreciate your taking time to respond to my e-mail. Dale ________________________________________________________________________________ At 02:54 PM 12/20/2004, you wrote: To Dale Lee Wahl, (at http://www.grhs.org/bessarabia/html/archives.html ) My simple webserver http://www.leibbrandt.com is online again after three hours offline today. It stopped today, caused by an unsuccessfull attempt to intrude by some illegal hacker. I was surprised that you did not find my L-genealogy site yourself, looking for genealogy on the web. You can have the CD free of any costs; I send them to really interested people. This is to avoid that the Leib(b)rand(t) family information gets lost when I stop with this nice hobby. Is your address OK ? Mr. Dale Lee Wahl 7370 Grevena Ave NE Bremerton WA 98311-4046 United States of America I did not yet look into the links that you send me, will certainly do. Interesting that you are a cousin of Dr George Leibbrandt's son Hansgeorg (He lives now in Berlin, the German government moved from Bonn to Berlin after the fall of the 'Berliner Maur'' ) see http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~wingolf/kontakt/kontakt.htm ) Philistervereinsvorsitzender Phil. HANSGEORG LEIBBRANDT Claudiusstraße 5 10557 Berlin Fon 030/ 39742780 Fax 030/ 39742784 hgleibbrandt@compuserve.de I am afraid that Hansgeorg does not like me very much, I have put a link to the Wannsee-Protokoll January 20, 1942; Transcription behind his father's name in the Leibbrand family tree. Before doing so I had a discussion with the historian Dr. Michael Fahlbusch Falkensteiner Str. 18 CH-4053 Basel , See http://www.leibbrandt.com/LEIBBRANDT_Archive/Dr_Georg_Leibbrandt/AuthenticityoftheWannsee-Protokoll-1.txt There is still a tough job to do : Convince Walter Leibbrand in Kernen-Stetten near Stuttgart that his brilliant Leibbrand Genealogie should be made public. He only wants to give small fragments of the brilliant work, done by him and his father during the last age. Up till now he does not want that it is puplished, and especially not on the Internet. Maybe that he changes his opinion when the work could be entered into a renowned Historical University archive..... There is still much to be done...... Best regards, Hans Leibbrandt Kievietlaan 4 5683RC Best, The Netherlands Phone, Fax: +31 (0)499-398260 Mailto:Leibbran@DutchWeb.nl http://www.leibbrandt.com _______________________________________________________________________ At 02:07 PM 19-12-04, you wrote: Hans, This is overwhelming :-) I am used to overwhelming other people, but do not often have it done to me . . . . thank you so much. If you have a CD you are offering to me, I would like to discuss that with you. As for details, there may be some family data available on line for you that looks like it might add to the files. St Francis in Cheyenne County Kansas was settled by many of the Hoffnungstal Odessa families. I see that you have been in touch with my cousin Penny Raile from St Francis, and she has provided you some of the data for the LEIBBRANDT families that was there. There is a lady who spent many years as the Secretary to the Cheyenne County Historical Society, she is Marilyn Holzwarth, and she has spent a lot of time inputting the county families into her genealogy software. She has shared that data on line and you can find it here; http://www.odessa3.org/collections/gedcom/src/ look under St Francis KS and you will find it. I am so impressed with all that has been done . . . and look forward to talking more to you . . . When I first seen your e-mail come in, I have been trying to get hold of Dr George Leibbrandt's son in Bonn for so long [many years] - we are cousins because of the WALL families crossing with the LEIBBRANDT in Hoffnungstal and Hoffnungsfeld . . . and I thought you were he . . . Again, thanks so much for sharing this with me . . . Dale (at http://www.grhs.org/bessarabia/html/archives.html ) mailto:dwahl@telebyte.com Dale Lee Wahl GRHS, Clearing House and Village Research Project Chairman GRHS Co-Chairman for Translations GRHS Co-Chairman for Archives Acquisition GRHS & AHSGR VC for Hoffnungstal in Odessa and Bessarabia and the Estate of Karlstal in Odessa 7370 Grevena Ave NE Bremerton WA 98311-4046